
Tiarama is what I call myself online. It's always been fun to play with an alter ego. I mean... Craig MacLeod is such a masculine Scottish name isn't it? Fair enough I am half Scottish and I do enjoy a deep fried mars bar as much as the next person (who doesn't?), but I'm also half Filipino and really not that masculine.


I created this webpage to apply for Founders And Coders 2021 Spring Cohort in London, but it's also for myself: to build on as my coding improves and to showcase new skills as I learn them. It's fun putting things like this together and gives anyone interested an idea of my current level too. You must be curious or you wouldn't be here, right? ♥


Everybody goes through tough times where we need to make big, scary changes to our lives, but to my advantage I have been here already. My life experience has had me homeless when I was 16, illness then caused me to leave university without a degree in my 20s, and I was left starting over from zero both times. I'm not complaining though; my struggle also taught me the drive, dedication and empathy that I consider to be my strongest qualities. I love working with people and facing clients, and I'm very confident in my ability to lead, coach, and motivate!


Languages & Frameworks

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS (progressing)
  • VueJS (progressing)

Professional Experience

  • Team Management
  • Artist Management & Development
  • Coaching

Spoken Languages

  • English
  • Tagalog (Filipino)
  • German - basic (progressing)
  • Dothraki



  • Responsive Web Design, 300hrs
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, 300hrs (progressing)
  • Front End Libraries, 300hrs (progressing)


  • Senior Management & Coaching Essentials, 72hrs


  • Interior design

  • Coaching

  • Hiking

  • Skiing

  • Eating sushi. Lots and lots of sushi.


Who doesn't want to spend their childhood in the countryside? Discovering an idyllic world of forests, lakes, animals, and so many fields to run through it would make Theresa May jealous. Although, growing up as a queer POC in an old English village did come with its fair share of challenges. I was forced to think outside the box from an early age and this is where I learned my love for creating. Sculptures, stories, songs, poetry, games... Though I have to admit I was probably a jack of all trades and master of few   I also wanted to grow up to be a train.


Once I've made it over the first hurdle and landed a tech related role a lot of doors will open to me, but I won't know what's the behind any of them until I get close enough to take a look. Though I am very interested in Front End Development, UIs and Game Design! As it stands I plan to be at a professional level within the next few months, and competent enough to lead teams within the next couple of years.


If you've travelled to the Philippines (and I highly recommend it ♥), you'll have been greeted by the most wholesome customer service anywhere you step foot. Hotels, shops, restaurants & cafes will all be gloriously accommodating, however also noticeably overstaffed. Unfortunately, a lot of these employees will be either be:
- wanting an education but too poor to afford one, or
- much more credited than myself, some with even Masters degrees, but unable to find employment due to the country's critical job shortage.

Within the next ten years, if I can make the professional progress and meaningful connections it takes to employ and/or teach even a handful of people in the Philippines I would be ecstatic. Once I reach that point I will evaluate what my options are to take it even further.